DDD Weekly: Issue #66
May 14, 2020
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How to beat the CAP theorem [blog] Nathan Marz. This post is going to challenge your basic assumptions on how data systems should be built. But by breaking down our current ways of thinking and re-imagining how data systems should be built, what emerges is an architecture more elegant, scalable, and robust than you ever thought possible.
The epistemology of software quality [blog] Hillel Wayne. Studies show that human factors most influence the quality of our work. So why do we put so much stake in technical solutions?
EventStorming in COVID-19 times [blog] Alberto Brandolini. In case you wondered, I haven’t really changed my mind: there is still no such thing as remote EventStorming. Still, we can improve the quality of our remote modeling sessions a lot, especially if we’re forced to, and better options are not viable.
OAuth2 Event Modeling in Go, Part 1 [video] Jamie Isaacs. Event Modeling session for a CQRS and Event Sourcing architecture for OAuth2 written in Go.
Remote-optimised Domain Modelling: The Present and Future [blog] Nick Tune. We do have to be careful not to repeat the mistakes of previous waves of innovation, especially enterprise data models and code-generation. But equally we need to remember that each iteration of an innovation removes some limitations and opens new possibilities.
Completed chapter “Finding Boundaries”, which shows how #DomainStorytelling helps with strategic #DDDesign. Get the new version on http://leanpub.com/domainstorytelling [tweet] Henning Schwentner.
Decoupling Logic with Domain Events [Guide] - Domain-Driven Design w/ TypeScript [blog] Khalil Stemmler. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of using Domain Events to clean up how we decouple complex domain logic across the subdomains of our application.
DDD & Data Modelling: How Do I Persist Aggregates? [blog] James Hickey. How do we reconcile our aggregate models and data models? How does this affect how we persist aggregates?
Decomposing a Monolith Does Not Require Microservices [video] Sam Newman. Sam Newman shares some key principles and a number of patterns to use to incrementally decompose an existing system into microservices. He covers patterns that can work to migrate functionality out of systems hard to change, and looks at the use of strangler patterns, change data capture, database decomposition and more.