DDD Weekly: Issue #56

November 10, 2018

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Product-aligned vs Capability-aligned Organisation Design [blog] Nick Tune. For me there are only internal or external products. Everything is a product owned by a team applying modern product management best practices to best suit the needs of their customers.

Aggregates and Sagas are Processes [blog] Martin Schimak. By systematically recording incoming facts via causation ids used on new facts and by systematically persisting queries, reports and other thinkable facts one could enable a kind of “total” idempotency

Clean Domain-Driven Design in 10 minutes [blog] Thang Chung. The world has changed a lot from years recently so that we need to learn and flow with it. In this article, I showed you how can we combine CA with DDD, and host it to the cloud-native platform( Kubernetes in this case). That knowledge is my own, you can think of it in another way or create another stack for your own.

Sketchnote of my Design Heuristics talk at @kandddinsky #DDDesign [tweet] Mathias Verraes.

Efficient Fault Tolerant Java with Aeron Clustering [video] Todd Montgomery. Todd Montgomery talks about Aeron Clustering, a new means for deploying replicated state machines in Java. Replicated state machines are just a way to deploy elegant business logic. He explains what a replicated and recorded stream of events can do for business logic.

Domain Driven UI with SAFE Stack [video] Roman Sachse. Domain Driven Design is a way of thinking about the needs of the customers first and putting an emphasis on their language and interactions. The outcome of this approach is mostly applied to the backend of applications, but a semantic domain model also benefits the UI. Unfortunately these semantics are often lost in translation when transferred to the frontend. I will show you a functional approach that allows you to actually reuse your domain types by combining CQRS/Event-Sourcing on the backend and the Elm architecture on the frontend with an overall messaging architecture.

Quit Planning Ahead and Keeping People Busy [blog] John Cutler. As product people, we need to work more on the mission and less on playing Tetris with teams and initiatives. To much planning ahead and chasing full utilization will undo your product.

Introducing Domain-Driven Design [slides] Steve Smith. DogFoodCon 2018.

Really Simple CQRS [blog] Vaughn Vernon. Given that the system state that the user wants to view is rich and cuts across at least several logical system concepts, and that the state that the user wants to mutate tends to be concentrated, the strengths of CQRS are in enabling developers to design for state mutation separately from state queries.