DDD Weekly: Issue #2

July 7, 2016

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Agile France 2016 – Decentralized Architecture Cyrille Martraire. Notes from an “open-space session” (also an interesting topic) about architecture at different scales across teams and beyond. Offers “orientations” for developing rules that allow emergence of new patterns, while maintaining consistency within the company.

10 Lessons from a Long Running DDD Project - Part 2 Jimmy Bogard Lessons 6-10 from Jimmy’s previous post where his team realizes the benefits of targeting a single, cohesive group. Also, allowing for the emergence of patterns purposefully.

Working with Domain Experts in a DDD World Jan Stendberg. Summary of a talk by Cyrille Martraire at DDD Europe 2016. BDD also makes an appearance in the talk itself… “BDD: your best friend to interview domain experts.”

Microservices With Spring Boot, Axon CQRS/ES, and Docker Ben Wilcock. Demo code comes with pre-built Docker containers. Also a nice CQRS diagram.