DDD Weekly: Issue #18

October 31, 2016

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CQRS/MediatR implementation patterns [blog] Jimmy Bogard. “This isn’t anything against event sourcing, but more that I see teams try to apply a single modeling and usage strategy across the board for their entire application.”

F# Domain Modeling [blog] Luke Merrett. “Discriminated Unions & Record Types can be combined very quickly into a powerful domain model that can be processed rapidly and with much less code using Pattern Matching.”

Event Sourcing: Awesome, powerful & different [blog] Erik Heemskerk. “If we eliminate the audit log, we have one source of truth left, but we lose all of the detailed historical information that we value so much. What if we eliminate the current state?”

Vertical Slice Test Fixtures for MediatR and ASP.NET Core [blog] Jimmy Bogard. “I do, however, want to build a test that goes just under the UI layer to execute the end-to-end behavior of my system. These are known as subcutaneous tests, and provide me with the greatest confidence that one of my vertical slices does indeed work.”

Building Scalable CQRS Microservices with Cloud Foundry [sample project] Pivotal Services. “This project demonstrates how to build cloud native Command & Query Responsibility Separation and Event Sourcing applications using Pivotal Cloud Foundry.”

Stockholm DDD Meetup: Why do we counteract cooperation with domain experts? [event] November 30, 2016 5:30 PM.

Bootiful CQRS with Axon [event] Josh Long, Allard Buijze. Webinar November 16, 3:00 PM UTC.

DDD Greece: #2 Hands-on: Event Storming [event] November 24, 2016 7:00 PM.