DDD Weekly: Issue #15

October 13, 2016

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Eventsourcing: Why Are People Into That? [blog] Robert Reppel. “What makes the combination of eventsourcing, Domain Driven Design and CQRS so attractive is that it can greatly simplify building software which keeps subsystems cleanly separated and independently maintainable as more features are added over time…”

Event sourcing, CQRS, stream processing and Apache Kafka: What’s the connection? [blog] Neha Narkhede. “Event sourcing enables building a forward-compatible application architecture — the ability to add more applications in the future that need to process the same event but create a different materialized view.”

Getters and Setters are Evil [blog] Marcus Biel. “Note that the code now reads better as it clearly speaks the language of the business and solves their problem more precisely.”

Developing Transactional Microservices Using Aggregates, Event Sourcing and CQRS - Part 1 [blog] Chris Richardson. “A key challenge when developing microservice-based business applications is that transactions, domain models, and queries resist decomposition. You can decompose a domain model by applying the idea of a Domain Driven Design aggregate.”

How to know if your Domain model is properly isolated? [blog] Vladimir Khorikov. “Nice try, interface, but no.”

CQRS with Erlang [video] Bryan Hunter. “CQRS promotes distribution, concurrency and eventual consistency which is dandy until we attempt to code an implementation with conventional tools like C# or Java. Lucky for us, Erlang is unconventional in all the right ways. Many of the ideas of CQRS dovetail perfectly with the sweet-spots of Erlang. In this session we will dive into CQRS, and explore a sample implementation written in Erlang. We will spotlight a few areas where CQRS with Erlang shines.”