DDD Weekly: Issue #12

September 8, 2016

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Cutting Edge - Beyhond CRUD: Commands, Events and Bus [blog] Dino Esposito. “I dare say that most of the perceived complexity of software is due to the fact that we keep on thinking the CRUD way for systems that although based on the fundamental four operations in the acronym (create, read, update, delete) are no longer as simple as reading and writing to a single table or aggregate.”

Reactive Messaging Patterns with F# and Akka.NET [code] Jorge Fioranelli. Code examples from Vaughn Vernon’s book: Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model rewritten in F# and Akka.NET.

Getting Started with Domain Driven Design - Top 3 Concepts [blog] Jagdish Mirani. “The old adage “measure twice, cut once” is particularly relevant here. DDD puts the focus on designing software that closely aligns with your business processes and evolves with changing business needs.”

One Thing to Rule Them All [blog] DevIQ Blog.

Building an Enterprise Service in Go [video] Marcus Olsson.

CQRS & Event Sourcing in the Wild [slides] Michiel Rook. “The slides of the try out of my new talk “CQRS & event sourcing in the wild” - held at PHP Amersfoort in September 2016.”

Awesome Domain-Driven Design [blog] Nick Chamberlain (me). The awesome-ddd github repo reached 1000+ stars in a week!… Awesome!