DDD Weekly: Issue #11

September 1, 2016

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Event Sourcing is Awesome [blog] Gad Berger, Jet Technology Blog. “When it was pointed out to me the database was last known to be in sync 8 days prior, my heart sank. When was the last time that you had a SQL database that had 8 days of mismatched data and it was an easy fix to correct? This is where event sourcing and our microservices came to the rescue!”

Designed Stickiness [video] Mathais Verraes, NCrafts 2016. “The mental model matched the visual model… and also works as an implementation model…”

DDD Phoenix is holding its first ever meetup on September 12 [tweet] Vaughn Vernon.

DDD Tutorial - Modeling Query Cases [blog] Mike Mogosanu.

7 Reasons Why DDD Projects Fail [video] Greg Young, NDC 2010. Lack of Intent | Anemic Domain Model | DDD-Lite | Lack of Isolation | Ubiquitous What? | Lack of Refinement | Proxy Domain Expert